Wintery Landscapes

Second graders recently completed lovely winter landscapes. Using two watercolor techniques, and inspired by aspen or birch trees in snow, students tore blue masking tape for trunks and branches. Painting over the tape, they used various colors to express night, day, or sunset lighting. Adding salt while the watercolors were moist created a snowy or starry effect. After drying, peeling off the tape revealed white trunks and branches, showcasing watercolor resist. Shadows were added to the trunks and snow, along with distinctive aspen and birch markings.  Visit our foyer to see them on display! 

About Gillispie School: We are an independent age 2 through Grade 6 school in La Jolla, CA. We believe that learning is a journey in which children are active participants. Our students partner with teachers to further their academic, creative, and social growth, and we balance a child-centered approach that does not rush childhood with well-researched academic programs that demand higher-level thinking. Click here to learn more about our school.

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