
message from OUR head of school

The years marking early childhood through elementary school are not a stage to be hurried or a means to an end; they are a uniquely wondrous time of life. When children ages two to tween come together, their ability to invent and envision is magical. At its core, Gillispie is a place where children and adults find joy in learning.

The most recent iteration of our strategic plan, On the Horizon: Journey to 2028, identifies and addresses the three essential priorities of Innovation, Well-being, and Inclusion, which guide our ongoing commitment to inspiring interdisciplinary, hands-on experiences. At Gillispie, academic rigor is defined as work that demands independent, higher-level thinking. We embrace dynamic approaches to resolving challenges, appreciating that differing views and life experiences enrich our exchange of ideas and help generate insightful solutions.

Recognizing that children are naturally creative explorers, students move past the “How?” to get to the “Why?” as they develop an innovator’s mindset defined by curiosity, creativity, empathy, ethical problem solving, resilience, critical thinking, and learning from mistakes.

The investment in these early years is foundational in determining how children will perceive learning going forward.

Alison Fleming

Head of School

Head of School


Gillispie School is a vibrant community devoted to developing empathetic global citizens and resilient learners. We honor and foster each child’s social, emotional, and intellectual journey.


Gillispie School ignites the creative and intellectual potential of children from early childhood to sixth grade. By designing authentic explorations and applying a cross-disciplinary approach, we help children discover their interests and passions. We encourage personal accountability and view mistakes as avenues for learning. Balancing academic programs and a constructivist philosophy, we prepare children for their futures in a way that both challenges and nurtures them along their educational paths. We embrace inclusivity and appreciate that differing views and life experiences help us generate insightful solutions. At Gillispie, every child is known.

Our Many Hands

Many Hands


Gillispie School has received joint accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS).

During our last accreditation in the spring of 2024, we were accredited for seven years, the maximum period given by CAIS and WASC. The CAIS accreditation process has been approved by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).

This process is rigorous, as described by CAIS: “The accreditation process includes a written self-study based on 16 standards with responses to questions about every aspect of the school. This report is followed by an on-site visit by a team of educators who examine every aspect of the school’s programs and operations to assess its effectiveness in fulfilling our school’s stated purposes.”

We’re also a member in good standing with the San Diego Consortium of Independent Schools, the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA), the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

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