Tag, Volleyball, and Massive Snowball Fights!

Tag, Volleyball, and Massive Snowball FightsIn December, our students enjoyed age- and skill-appropriate lessons and holiday-themed activities, including massive snowball fights on the field and in the gym!

Grades 3 to 6 focused on volleyball, refining skills, game understanding, and fostering teamwork.

Grades K to 2 focused on mastering overhand throwing and catching, building crucial hand-eye coordination fundamental for various sports.

Early Childhood to PK explored large motor movements through music and tag games. We introduced overhand throwing and promoted physical well-being and a love for movement.

We are excited to start the new year with new units and activities to improve athletic skills and overall fitness levels for our young student-athletes!

We appreciate your continued support in fostering a healthy, active lifestyle for your children.

Happy New Year!

Coach Whelan

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