Specialty Spotlight: Spanish

Elementary students made Rosca de Reyes in the Sandbox Kitchen during Spanish Class last month!

Rosca de Reyes is a traditional bread in Latin American culture that is enjoyed with family and friends on January 6, Día de los Reyes Day, or “Kings Day.”

Every year on January 6, gatherings are held with family and friends to partake in the celebration of Día de los Reyes by cutting a slice of the rosca. A small plastic figurine representing baby Jesus is placed inside the rosca bread prior to cutting and it is considered to be good luck if the figurine is in the slice you receive.

The person who finds the figurine is designated to throw a fiesta and provide tamales on Día de la Candelaría which falls on February 2.

Students prepared the dough for the bread and decorated it. Each student made their own to take home.

Nieves Ruiz, Spanish Teacher

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