Specialty Spotlight: Library

The Gillispie Library serves all students on our campus. Early Childhood students enjoy songs, fingerplays, and activities related to the books they hear during library storytimes. Students in Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades have been listening to a series of books by award-winning author/illustrator Christian Robinson and sharing their responses with partner classes as part of the Global Read-Aloud.

Upper elementary students recently learned how to search our Library catalog and how to use Google Book Preview to “test drive” books they might be interested in. Students in Grades 3-5 also have the opportunity to visit the library before school and during their snack recess during Open Library hours.

On Halloween, students were excited to visit the dark and decorated library for a special spooky storytime. And coming soon: the long-awaited return of our popular Gillispie Library writing contest!

Heidi Long, Librarian

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