Making a World of Difference at Gillispie School

Second graders are several months into an ambitious project to stop certain ‘unrecyclables’ like squeezable mylar snack pouches from ending up in our landfills. Through an organization named Terracycle, these pouches, often containing apple sauce or other snacks, are transformed into usable raw materials. The students have created signs, filmed a PSA, presented the program at a morning meeting, and visited early childhood classrooms to raise awareness. Their goal is to recycle all used snack pouches generated at Gillispie. Families may join in and drop off their pouches at school. Collected pouches sent to Terracycle earn points that support various causes, such as planting trees, adopting wildlife land, or providing food, water, and warm clothes for people who need our help. This initiative is motivating students to contribute to a better world.

~ Chip Edwards and Brian Belsha
Science-Design Teachers 

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