PreK students in Willow were recently introduced to colorful links, and a wave of inquiry began! Working in pairs, our young mathematicians quickly mastered the skill of identifying and creating simple patterned chains with two or three colors.
Then, an exciting idea emerged—what if they connected all the links together? The children worked together to accomplish this ambitious task, constructing a remarkably long chain. But just how long was it? With curiosity sparked, the students embarked on a journey to measure everything!
Mrs. Abrams provided a 100-foot measuring tape, and a small group of children headed to the field to find out. They eagerly stretched out the tape alongside their chain and discovered that it measured 55 feet long!
How Many Children Long?
During our daily Reflection Meeting, one child wondered how their height compared to the chain. This led to an impromptu measuring session, with each child taking turns to find out how tall they were. This, in turn, sparked the next big question:
"If the children are mostly between 3.5 to 4 feet tall, how many children long is the chain?"
The children made predictions and then put their predictions to the test. The class brought the long chain back to the field, laid it out alongside the measuring tape, and then stretched out head-to-head and foot-to-foot next to it. One by one, they filled the space until all 14 children were lying down. When the last measurement was taken, the students discovered something interesting—the chain was still a little bit longer!
Curiosity is Ignited
This investigation has inspired a broader interest in measuring everything—from classroom furniture to toys to their own hands and feet! The learning process, guided by the children's own questions and discoveries, has taken on a life of its own.
Through this exploration, the children are not only developing their understanding of math and measurement but also strengthening their problem-solving skills, collaboration, abilities, and confidence as thinkers. What started as a simple activity with links has grown into a larger journey of inquiry, experimentation, and discovery—one that will surely continue in new and unexpected directions.