Happy National School Counseling Week, Ms. Sara!

We are celebrating National School Counseling Week and asked Ms. Sara to tell us a little about her day as Gillispie’s School Counselor! 

Ms. Sara logs many steps every day! She goes from engaging in fun activities in Early Childhood classes and providing social-emotional lessons in Elementary classes, to conducting small group sessions and meeting with students individually.

She uses every opportunity to explore Gillispie’s campus and connect with each child so they feel seen and loved. In her words, “Every interaction with the students holds deep meaning and purpose for me.”

As a School Counselor, Ms. Sara gets immense joy from her work. From the moment she hears, “Good morning, Ms. Sara!” to the second she closes her door at the end of the day, she feels lucky to be our students’ School Counselor. 

We are so fortunate to have Ms. Sara in our school community! Happy National School Counseling Week, Ms. Sara!

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