Gillispie’s Got Talent!

We invite all Grade 2-6 musicians, jugglers, singers, gymnasts, magicians, and more to take the stage for Gillispie’s 2nd Annual Talent Show!

Auditions for students interested in participating will take place in the MPR on September 12 and 13 after school at 3:30 p.m. Your child only needs to attend one of the two dates. The acts will be seen in the order that they arrive. Students awaiting their turn will gather in the music room. Parents are not invited to the auditions but may wait in the library for their children. Once students finish their act, they may leave.

At the audition, children will run through their acts; students do not need to be fully prepared, wear costumes, or have routines/acts memorized. These “tryouts” will give us an idea of the length of the show and how we might order the various performances. All interested students will be able to participate.

Here are a few answers to questions we’ve received that may be helpful:

Who will be in the audience on the day of the performance? 

Kindergarten through Grade 6 students and staff will attend. To keep down the numbers, only parents whose children are participating in the Talent Show will be invited to attend. 

How many acts can a child participate in and how long should their performance last? 

To spread out the opportunities, a child may appear on stage once, whether it be a group or solo performance. To stay on schedule, no act should last longer than three minutes.

Will this event be a contest with judges? 

Absolutely not! The audience is there to cheer on participants and have some fun in doing so.

Anyone who cannot attend the audition dates should see Mr. Lewis to arrange another time to audition their act.

As of now, the Talent Show is set to occur on Thursday, October 12 in the Sandbox MPR. Depending on the number of acts, there may be two showtimes. More information on the performance will be announced soon.

For more information, contact Mr. Lewis at [email protected].

We can’t wait to watch our talented students perform!

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