Fire Truck Friday

Fire Truck FridayLast Friday, our preschool friends welcomed four firefighters from Fire Station #13! Excitement filled the room as a big-ladder red fire truck appeared outside the window.

Firefighters Brea and Jake focused on fire safety. When they asked emergency-related questions, the children confidently knew 911 and pledged to inform a teacher or adult about any hazards. They also learned how to STOP, DROP & ROLL!

A highlight was when firefighter Brea showcased her full gear, from heavy pants to a protective jacket and helmet. The children giggled at the Darth Vader-like sound of her oxygen tank, dispelling any fears about firefighters wearing masks. Our friends, reassured by Brea and Jake, learned that firefighters are there to help.

Questions followed with numerous inquiries about rescuing cats from trees! Firefighter Jake demonstrated how their ladder works, captivating the children.

The firefighters received a special thank-you card, treats, and big hugs! A heartfelt thank you to our local heroes for sharing insights and creating an unforgettable experience. From the window in the classroom, the children waved goodbye as the firefighters and their truck drove away.

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