Book Buddies

Book BuddiesWeekly, Willow friends enjoy reading books with their Book Buddies from Ms. Haas’s Grade 4 class. On E days, we meet either upstairs or downstairs in our classroom and enjoy reading, playing games, and learning about each other. Throughout the year, the children will be paired up with different fourth graders, providing opportunities to get to know many of them. What we love most about Book Buddies are the lasting friendships and memories the children will take away from this experience.

Quotes from friends in Willow:

  • Brighton: “My favorite thing is reading books with them.”
  • Jaiden: “[My favorite thing is] reading the books and we get to go upstairs and they get to come down here. I like seeing them when they run by during the day and I get to say Hi!” 
  • Rowan: “Reading books is my favorite.”
  • Isabella: “I like everything and I especially like reading Elephant and Piggie books.” 
  • Eugenio: “I like that they read to us.”
  • Thomas: “I like when we get to read in the big green chairs.

Quotes from our Grade 4 students:

  • Daphne: “I like book buddies because it reminds me of my siblings. They are funny, kind, and like a good book. I always remember when I had a book buddy, so it is cool to be the older book buddy now.”
  • Gabi: “I can’t believe I used to be the one to listen to someone read to me and now I get to read to my book buddies.”
  • Ryder: “One thing I like about book buddies is that they are thoughtful and caring. Whenever you are in a bad mood they will cheer you up. My brother Carl had Eleanor as his book buddy and now I have Jaiden her brother as my book buddy.”
  • Nicholas: “I like book buddies because I get to have bonding time with them and it is fun to read to them and spend time with them. I am making a new friend and they are making a new friend.”
  • Natasha: “I like reading buddies because you get to meet new people and learn about little kids and what they like. Also, when you were younger you were a buddy but now you get to be the reader to a younger buddy.”
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