

Your contributions to this community endure.

We think of our alumni often. We remember the bright, engaged students of our past when we watch the wonder on the faces of our current students as they engage in Gillispie traditions, explore the world, and share their joy for learning with us.

We also honor the Gillispie community that helped build and expand this school. The families who volunteered thousands of hours, who supported our fundraisers, and contributed to the campaigns that established Fielden Hall, Field of Dreams, Gillispie Endowment for Excellence in Teaching, and our Sandbox. Your contributions to this community endure. We are forever grateful. We are forever Gillispie.


2024 Gillispie Seniors Reunion

Each year, we invite Gillispie alumni who are graduating from high school for a fun get-together. This past May we welcomed 20 former Gillispie students and their families back to campus. Having these dynamic and energetic young adults back for a visit is always such a lovely and nostalgic experience. We are proud of their accomplishments and excited about their bright futures. We wish them the best as they take the next steps in their educational journeys!

Keep in touch

Tell us what you're up to or send in your favorite memory of Gillispie! With your permission, we'll share your updates on our alumni Instagram account. Please email Dana Irwin at [email protected] with your contact information so we can stay in touch.

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