A Resounding “Thank You!”

We want to thank all of our parent volunteers who gave their time to make this year so incredible for our students, faculty, and staff.  As the saying goes, “many hands make light work”, and there is much done behind the scenes to enhance our school. From Room Parents to Event and Classroom Volunteers to Hot Lunch Servers to Community Service Organizers and beyond, each act of kindness enriches our Gillispie Community. YOU make it all possible, and we thank you!

We will be sending out a formal survey for volunteer interest over the summer, but in the interim, if you have a particular area of interest you would like to be involved in, please email Dana Irwin at [email protected]. Areas include Fall Friendraiser Committee (Corks & Forks), Gala Committee, Community Relations Committee, Room Parents, and Hot Lunch help to name a few.

It takes a village, and we are so fortunate to have you in ours!

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