A New Approach to Learning

We're excited to share that this year, we've implemented the Responsive Classroom approach in all our classrooms, from Littles to Grade 6. This evidence-based approach to teaching and discipline is designed to create a positive and engaging learning environment where every student feels valued and empowered. It has been just a couple of weeks, but students and teachers are loving it!

A key component of Responsive Classroom is the daily practice of morning meetings and closing circles. These dedicated times give students and teachers opportunities to build relationships with peers, share thoughts and experiences, and reflect on their learning and goal-setting for the future.

Here's a glimpse into our Morning Meeting with our 6th graders:

"I like starting the day in a relaxed sort of way. It starts our day off right!" says Siena.

Every morning, we kick off our day with a morning meeting. "I love that we say hi in a different language each day," says Mia. Today we said our good mornings in Hebrew, "Boker Tov!"

We then shake hands and greet each other around the circle, making sure to make eye contact. Then, we read the morning message in a fun and playful way, like a French accent. We each share a response about the message and end the meeting with a game. Our favorite game is The Moose and the Detective. "I love that we start each day with a game," says Devin.

We love starting our day together! It's a great way for us to bond, laugh, and get to know each other better. We set goals, resolve conflicts, and get to create a positive environment together for the rest of the day.

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