Learning to Observe and Reflect


Observational drawing encourages students to closely examine and reflect on their surroundings. It extends beyond basic sensory perception, allowing children to organize their knowledge and deepen their understanding.

Recently, Willow students explored shells, starfish, and dried coral from around the globe. To further engage their interest, teachers arranged various provocations designed to spark the children’s curiosity and insights.

Magnifying glasses were provided for the students to take a closer look. They often stopped at the drawing table to touch, feel, and examine the starfish, shells, and corals.

After close investigation, a number of children selected the shells and corals they wanted to draw and paint. Some children wanted to draw various shells and they kept returning to the art table to draw more and more—so awesome!

Once they completed their drawings, they were ready for watercolors. Teachers introduced basic watercolor techniques such as hand movement, blending colors, and how to wipe off excess paint.

The students’ first observational drawings turned out beautifully and are now hanging in the front windows. Make sure to check them out when you visit Willow.

Throughout the year, we will encourage students to engage in this, focusing on the natural world around us. We’ll take a closer look at bugs, flowers, plants we grow, trees, animals, leaves, and even famous structures from around the world.

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