Yoga Classes for EC

Early Childhood YogaOur Early Childhood program started a new weekly specialty class—Yoga with Ms. Sarah. This class will be available to all EC classes! With over 15 years of experience teaching yoga to young children and six years at Gillispie, Ms. Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this new specialty class.

Every week, our EC students will gather in the MPR for an incredible yoga adventure. They recently had a sneak preview of what’s to come during a morning indoor exploration session in Willow’s classroom, and it was a hit!

During this special introduction, Ms. Sarah gave a brief yoga lesson. She began by demonstrating a calming breathing technique, encouraging the students to envision their favorite color while focusing on their breath. As they breathed in and out, they made the expandable ball in their hands expand and contract—an effective way to introduce mindfulness and relaxation.

Next, Ms. Sarah guided the students through yoga poses, inviting them to pretend they were caterpillars, wrapping themselves up in a chrysalis before emerging as beautiful butterflies. Creating a story with the poses engaged their bodies and sparked their imagination.

At the end of the session, the children were invited to lie down, close their eyes, and listen to the soothing sound of Ms. Sarah’s unique drum. It was a peaceful moment that left everyone feeling calm and centered.

The Willow students loved their time with Ms. Sarah and look forward to their next yoga session. 


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