First Graders Connect with Authors

On Tuesday, both first-grade classes attended a live webinar with authors Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen. The duo read their picture book Triangle and took questions from the audience. 

Although there was a large, nationwide audience attending this event, one of the questions that we submitted was selected! Jacob asked, “How did they start working together?” Before co-authoring this book, Mac and Jon shared that they became friends when they discovered that they both loved the Frog and Toad series.

Before the event, first graders enjoyed a set of books from our library collection written and illustrated by Klassen and Barnett to build anticipation and become familiar with their work. After the event, the students were eager to check out Triangle and enjoy the story again.

This was a unique opportunity to hear from two of today’s well-known and best-loved book creators. I’m thankful to the first-grade teachers and students for their enthusiasm and participation in this special event!

~Heidi Long

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