When you’re on a field trip and it snows!

Park Valley Field Trip“Ms. Busick, it’s snowing!” The Grade 6 girls were yelling in delight! They ran outside in their PJs to find themselves in a Narnia-like winter wonderland, in awe of the enormous, magical snowflakes coming down. 

For one of our students, this was her first time experiencing snow, bringing her so much joy. They quickly dressed so they could have a snowball fight before it melted. Snow was not in the forecast, so our students were sure snow had arrived just for them! 

The Sixth Grade Retreat was three days in Pine Valley. Emphasizing fun and fellowship, our students actively engaged in hands-on science experiments. They climbed pine trees, observed nature, completed science experiments, and enjoyed team-building activities. In addition to the snowball fights, the highlights were cabin time, ziplining, the tire swing, super science, the coffee shop, and applying skincare face masks.

Students reflected on what they liked best about the Sixth Grade Retreat. Here is what a few said:

“I had so much fun on the tire swing because every single push made me feel like I was flying. I also learned that I am very resilient because we had to push through rain and snow a lot, and a few activities got canceled.”

“My favorite highlight was when we woke up in the morning and it was snowing. I loved having my first snowball fight and seeing snow for the first time.”

What could make our field trip better? “One more night could make it better!”

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