A Service Project Near and Dear to Our Hearts

Gillispie’s 14th Annual Blood Drive

Thursday, February 8
11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Fifteen years ago, Gillispie welcomed a brother and sister pair to the third-grade program. One of the siblings suffered a sudden relapse of cancer she battled as a kindergartener. Her treatments were grueling, and her prognosis was grim.

Our school community searched for meaningful ways to help. We decided to host a blood and bone marrow drive in the family’s honor. Thankfully, a bone marrow transplant between the siblings cured her cancer, and the family is happy and well.

We decided back then to make it an annual event. Over the years, we have collected more than 492 pints of blood, added numerous people to the national bone marrow registry, and donated over $20,000 to the San Diego Blood Bank.

Here are some ways you can help:

  • Make an appointment to donate blood
  • Post flyers at your local gym, coffee shop, or workplace.
  • Notify friends and family and encourage them to donate blood.
  • Share the appointment link on social media.
  • Contact your connections to local newspapers, TV, or radio stations about the event.
  • Volunteer to contact businesses in the area about the event.
  • Volunteer at the blood drive on February 8.
  • Make an appointment to donate blood.

Thank you for your support!

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