Practicing ICARE Values When We Go Online

In the first Sun article generated by students, two of our Grade 6 student leaders, Joie and Ian, share insights on the importance of following the Gillispie Digital ICARE Values.

Joie begins by walking us through a couple of examples of how we can apply the values of Integrity and Compassion when using technology: 

The first two ICARE values are Integrity and Compassion. They aren’t just important in and out of school, but in technology, too. When you are online, having integrity means doing the right thing when nobody’s watching. For example, if you are in class and you feel the temptation to play a game, even if no one is watching, don’t do it because it isn’t the right thing to do! Moreover, it is important to have compassion when you communicate online because even if you say one bad thing it leaves a digital footprint that, no matter how many times you delete it, will always be there. This doesn’t just go for social media but also for texting with friends and family. For example, you might say something as a joke, but online it can come across as sounding super mean. This is why you have to be mindful of what you write.

Ian helps us to understand how the values of Attitude, Respect, and Effort, apply when using technology: 

The last three ICARE values are Attitude, Respect, and Effort. These last three values make sure all students act the right way in many different aspects of school, but it probably most helps in our technology classes led by Dr. Waters. These three values help everybody understand how to act when they use a computer and how to act even when just holding it. For example, the Attitude value helps during tech because it tells everyone to keep a positive attitude even when technology just doesn’t work. This value helps keep us calm and situated during moments that may make us get very frustrated and angry. When technology doesn’t work for me, and I start getting frustrated, I try to take a few calming deep breaths and if needed, I get help to try to get the computer working. The next value is Respect. We have to acknowledge that iPads are a privilege and we have to treat them with respect or they could get broken. This includes plugging them in carefully, not leaving them on the ground, and making sure we do not damage any part of the iPad. The last value is Effort. We must show we are putting our best effort into everything we do. This includes homework, learning apps, and any activities that our teachers require for learning. It is important to make sure to use the ICARE values when using technology. 

We appreciate our sixth-grade students for leading the way in helping us use technology wisely and safely!

Lisa Waters, Director of Technology

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